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What Members Are Saying...

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Dave S.

Michael, the day trading tool is so great, that I have not had a loss trade yet!
...Today, I day trade using the tool for QQQ, I got into 20 contracts @359, then it started to go up, I believe the greatest benefit of having your tool is not so much when to get in, but rather more importantly when to GET OUT, I got our half of my contracts and made about $1,000. Then the news hit with the budget deficits being so high, the market dumped, that is when I not only held on the 10 contracts, I added another 10 contracts, I finally exited before 2pm EST, with about $3,000 profit. I also got into TLRY for the scan on Friday and today, I made about $800 on it day trading Friday. Today I made another $800, so total I made $3,800 from your tools and your lessons. I am very impressed with what you offer to all of us. It is definitely no accident that we are all making profits. But again it is knowing when to get out at the right time that will make maximum profits. THANK YOU Michael!!!

Jeff G.

Hey Michael, just wanted to share my experience so far with the Day Trading Indicator...
...These may not be the most impressive numbers, but this is me working from home working my regular job with one eye on the indicator. Sim Traded Monday and Tuesday, marginal success, but was trying to watch 20 charts. Started live trading on Wednesday focused on only the SPY. Bought 100 shares of SPY to open a trade, adding on 10 shares when the WWave dictated. Wednesday profit: $241
Thursday profit: $362
Friday profit: $654 (including one individual trade of $268) So that's over $1,200 profit in three days. Probably could have been better, but I'm an anxious, aggro investor that gets in a little too early and gets out a little too late (and also trying to do my day job simultaneously). Only two trades over three days were stopped out with a loss.

Britt G.

The very first day I used the indicator, within less than an hour, I made over $900 on futures...
...I've been trading futures for 2 years. This indicator provides me with the most confidence when I'm in a trade to stay in it! Futures move fast! You have to watch it. With this indicator it tells you to get out before the fast momentum movements! I won't trade without it!

Douglas T.

I have been trading with the DayTrading program for a week now (5 days) . I have to say it is sensational...
...The analysis charts take all the guess work out of the trade, you know if you should be in the trade to begin with and when to get out if you got in. Now adding the scanner to the program Thursday,it opens up so many stocks, that are out there that I have never even heard of example,KC a $5 stock, (Chinese Cloud software) that trades 45,000,000 shares a day, made $900 on that one today, total for the week $3100. It almost feels like I am cheating, but not really, what I have is a great edge. Thanks Michael

Bud H.

I've been a member of TWMN for almost two years. Michael's teaching and trading indicators are absolutely top notch...
...I didn't think it could get any better until the release of the Day Trading program.... All I can say is it's a game changer! This program is dead accurate!

Dan M.

Began trading with Michael and TWMN nation in June 2021. Had enough success to continue trading with this group and upgrade to Legacy Elite....
...However, recently with the launch of Michael's new day trading workspace, my successful trade percentage has gone through the roof
Under paper trading (sim trading) in 4 days, I executed 38 trades and only lost 4; and in those 4, they were trades not based on the trading software so much as my intuition and somewhat gut instinct that price would go in my direction. Two of these 4 were trades I took and end of day, thinking the next morning the stock would gap down based on overall pattern recognition of the last two weeks. Very surprised, I was wrong for most of the next day and closed the trade with a loss - had it been real money I may have kept it open. Well had I kept it open, I actually would have won that trade significantly.
Another losing trade was similar, expecting a gap down next day, it gapped up. None of this was taught by Michael to do this. With the day trading workspace, however, following his tips and strategies video, I won 34 trades out of 38.
With real money to-date, which has been just 3 trading trades, I won 5 out of 6 day trades earning a little more than $1000 (based on my allocation and trading plan)
...8 play on SPX, broken wing Put, 7/8 success rate at 40-70% profit consistently.
Your teachings are paying off, and I resonate most with the broken wing flies. Just wanted you to know and thank you again. Did 4400/4390/4385 PFly at 11:35 am, cost $185, closed it at $405 a couple minutes ago

Jim F.

Along with the Day Trading workspace, my favorite trades are Michael's end of day SPX butterflies...
...I usually go a little harder than I should, but so far it has been so worth it. I've taken 3 SPX trades over the last 2 weeks weeks for huge profits.... and the most profit yet today. I got in the trades higher than he did, but averaged down a tad. Bought 2 at 2.50, 2 more at 2.00, then added my 5th at 1.85.
I got into L.E. last year at $3k/yr. Today's trade paid for it by itself. The other 2 butterfly trades I took earned me over a thousand each. In 7 days, I'm up $11,780 using the day trading and the spx alerts. 7 days? Are you kidding me??? If you arent in Legacy Elite, what are you waiting for??

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